Doing cool and fun science experiments with kids is a great way to keep them entertained while they learn. What’s more, a lot of them can be done with ...
After a long day of teaching, I grabbed my 7 year old, and headed to find the one of the only Walgreens in Vermont. “At the corner of healthy and ...
As a blogger, I regularly write about options for safer, less toxic consumer products for our homes. But while it’s important to arm consumers with ...
Can you block out all the cheesy box store holiday commercials and ads? It’s hard, they are everywhere. These mega corporations are vying for your hard ...
(Here is a new online petition started by my friend, fellow activist and blogger, Lori Aper. She isn’t waiting for the much needed Safer Chemicals Act. She’s ...
(originally posted at Momsrising) The holiday season is almost upon us. And oh, how things seem to speed up, and expectations fall like rain. Family ...
(Eat Non-Toxic is now exclusively available on Kindle!) We all want to keep our kids safe from toxins and chemicals in food and feeding gear. Every day there ...
A reader recently emailed me about finding safer baby playmats to cushion hard floors. A few months back, I had another question about this from a ...
100 (I’m happy to share this guest post from reader and freelance writer, Joanna Kwan. I just had a question from a reader about how to reduce exposure ...
Here is the winning video from “Save A life”: “Moms Matter. Make it Obvious,” a project that asked people to tap into the power of social media and ...
Far too many young adults in America drop out of school. An article about the high school dropout rate from CNN provides some shocking statistics, ...
Just when I was starting to feel like Wal-Mart was improving. They have started selling more organic produce, and are working to improve the ...