Taking care of a baby is a full-time job, but the pleasure they offer us is worth it. Though newborns are tiny, preparing for their arrival is a huge undertaking.
Most experts advise waiting until the end of the first trimester, or at least 13 weeks into your pregnancy, to start shopping for a baby. This is because the risk of miscarriage drops considerably after the first trimester.
What Baby Stuff to Buy Before Childbirth
Baby’s Crib
Without a family bed in mind. If you don’t have a place for the infant to sleep already, you’ll have to devise one. Starting small with a baby’s crib may be accomplished using a bassinet, cradle, or three-sided crib. You’ll need to buy a fire-retardant mattress if your crib doesn’t come with one already. To be on the safe side, be aware of cribs that have been passed down from one baby to another.
Baby’s Diapers
You can expect between 50 and 70 diaper changes per week after six weeks, regardless of whether you’re using a cloth or disposable diapers. Diapering wipes or soft washcloths, a pail or bucket to collect and dispose of feces, and maybe diaper rash lotion are all things you’ll need to keep your baby comfortable while you’re changing them.
Baby’s Clothing
To get started, you should have at least six snap-bottomed baby undershirts, three to four infant gowns with drawstrings at the bottom, three big receiving blankets, a sweater and cap, and three to four pairs of socks or booties on hand. Some parents choose to get many front-zippable sleepers for their babies.
Burp cloths and bibs are essential. Bottles and nipples are necessary even if you’re nursing since you’ll be pumping your milk. It is pretty helpful to have a bottle brush and dishwashing basket for cleaning. A formula and an exact measuring cup are required if you are not nursing.
Both a waterproof mattress pad and crib sheets may be used, or you can seek a waterproof pad that fits over the crib sheet. In addition to a quilted mattress pad and a few waterproof pads, you’ll also want a few crib sheets and lightweight blankets, no matter what you decide. Pillows, crib bumpers, and soft blankets are not necessary for babies.
What Baby Stuff to Buy After Childbirth
Comfortable Glider
A baby chair is a must-have for newborns who need to be fed late at night and cuddled throughout the day. Your kid will sleep better, and you won’t have to get up to retrieve pacifiers and burp rags with the glider that rockers or pivots.
Knit Cap
Get a knit hat for them to keep your baby warm and toasty in the winter or a chilly region. Caps keep their bodies warm by preventing heat from escaping from the top of their heads. Alternatively, parents may choose to purchase a newborn snowsuit; or they may simply cover a well-clothed baby in a more oversized blanket.
Strolling about the neighborhood, going to the supermarket, and other adventures are all made more enjoyable with a well-built stroller. By doing some research ahead of time, you can narrow down your possibilities and “test-drive” the ones that are most suited for you. With that said, strollers with sturdier frames and lots of storage compartments may be ideal if you want to take your child on a lengthy walk in the suburbs.
Baby Thermometer
When a baby is unwell or just immunized, it may be challenging to get them to cooperate, but a few essential infant products can assist. A digital baby thermometer, for example, should be readily available for parents to monitor their infant’s body temperature. You should also stock up on some baby acetaminophen, which may be used to treat fevers with a doctor’s approval.
Infant Car Seat
If you don’t have an infant car seat, you won’t be allowed to take your newborn home from the hospital. Purchase the item and practice securely fastening it in your car. Keeping your baby comfortable when shopping or dining in a restaurant is simple by using a car seat that doubles as an infant carrier.
Factors to Consider When Buying Baby Stuff
The Baby’s Gender
Many new parents choose to wait until they know the sex of their baby before purchasing baby gear. Typically, this occurs between 18 and 21 weeks; however, it may occur as early as 12 weeks in some instances. Of course, you don’t need to know their gender to start buying. Unisex baby apparel is usually a safe choice, whether you know the baby’s gender or not.
The size of your home is an important consideration when buying baby gear. A vast dresser, reclining gliders, and freestanding bookshelves will not fit in a tiny area. Keep this in mind while shopping for baby toys and accessories. If you’re low on room, consider a mini-crib or other space-saving nursery solutions.
When shopping for baby apparel, parents and families sometimes ignore the importance of safety. Many infant clothing is recalled each year due to safety violations. As a result, it is critical to choose baby clothing that does not pose a safety risk.
To avoid the risk of choking, do not purchase any infant apparel with embellishments such as ribbons, buttons, flowers, and hooks. Decorations should be securely fastened to a piece if they must be included. Drawstrings and waistbands are also dangerous since they may induce strangling.
The frustration of returning a cute baby outfit because the child outgrows it is not worth the time and effort. Check the size of the baby’s clothing before purchasing them. The right size is both pleasant and convenient for the infant.
Make sure to take into consideration your baby’s rapid development while making purchases.
If you are unsure about your baby’s size, you may utilize standard methods to determine it. This is only a guideline, and many infants lie anywhere between.
Bottom Line
Make your plans now that you’ve gone through our recommendations. Visit a store to begin your buying spree after you have a strategy in place. Make sure you’re ready to meet your new baby and have everything you’ll need to care for them.